"The Lord's power shall be known to His servants"...(Is 66:14)...

If you are riding through a storm ,right now...know it can not over power you... you are not alone...we are not powerless...we are servants of the Lord...His power shall be known to us...His power displayed in our lives...God can and will and does deliver us...wiser...If the rough waters of frustration are battering you...remember... "God it is who has given you life in Christ Jesus...He has made Him our wisdom and also our justice, our sanctification ... and our redemption..."(1Cor 1:30)... He will not fail us in any way...He knows our problems...He knows our struggles... He knows us completely...He is our justice and our life...Do not be anxious... When the disciples were on a rough sea, they cried to Jesus, saying they were perishing,...Jesus calmed the sea and asked them where their faith was...even now He is saying,"Where is your faith?"(Luke 8:25)...Let us loudly proclaim, "Our faith is in You Lord God"...John 8:12 says Jesus spoke to them once again, "I am the light of the world: no follower of Mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life..."...What have we to be afraid of? ...Jesus sheds light on our darkest days...on all our problems...on whatever besets us...we are surrounded by light...we possess the light of life...We have Jesus, He preserves us...He delivers us...In Him we are safe...in Him we are secure... Praise You Lord Jesus...