"We are kept by the power of God".(1Peter 1:5)

Let this wondrous truth sink into your mind…He keeps us from stumbling…When we pray be aware our Lord is always there for us…His hand is not shortened…He is able to deliver…His word for us is always yea and amen (2Cor.1:20)…He tells us in His Word,"I am He that comforts you."(Is.51:12)…He tells us,"We have not because we ask not."(James 4:2)…Renew your mind …Put away negative thoughts…Line up your mind to the word of God…Know His promises are as much for you today as they were for His disciples of old…(Is.41:10)He tells us ,"I will strengthen thee;yea I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee."…He has not and He will not fail us…"We are kept by the Power of God"…When we communicate with our Lord,keep in mind this is prayer…Spread out all your cares before the Lord…pray…believe He hears and is answering you…Praise and thank Him for answered prayer…Is.65:24 tells us,"It shall come to pass,that before they call,I will answer; and while they are yet speaking ,I will hear." …God tells us His servants, shall sing for joy of heart in Is.65;14…rejoice…"We are kept by the power of God."…David tells us to pour out your heart before Him, Psalm62;8…Trust Him…He will answer…We have so many examples of God's love…bring these to mind…praise Him in all things…Don't give up…continue believing…God is true to His word…Say this aloud ,"We are kept by the power of God."…Isn't this a comforting fact?…He loves us!…Praise you Lord Jesus …thank You for Your loving care…Amen