Proclaim God's Word

Let us proclaim GOD'S word..."Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings." (Isaiah 3:10)...Christ is our righteousness...It shall be well with us...It shall be well with them that fear the Lord (Ecclesiastes 8:12)...we shall eat the labor of our hands...we shall be happy (Psalm 128:2) striving after searching for it...It is bestowed upon us...we who fear the Lord, and rely upon His word...It shall be well with us (Psalm 128:2)... God's awesome power is at work in our lives...Let us thank Him for bestowing happiness on us...Let us be aware of His mercy in our lives...let us rejoice at His presence...His mercy endures forever... His word says so...There is no stumbling around in darkness for us... no looking for the elusive...we are surrounded by the light of our Lord...we can see clearly, His provision...we do not grope...but we acknowledge His might...He is able to bring about good in our lives . . . He turns things around . . . God raises us up . . . lifts us out of the ruins...He sets us on a straight path...He surrounds us with light...He shows us the way we should go...He guides us daily... He loads us daily with benefits (Psalm 68:19)...If you are down... depressed...seeing no deliverance from your are losing sight of are looking at problems...look to God Him...He will bring all things to pass...Happiness is ours because Jesus is with us...caring for our every need... "Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 124:8) be forever assured.. He will be with us always... "No weapon formed against us shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17)