Winston Churchill said "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." I was an anarchist punk in the early 80's (Ronnie RayGun man!) then just a liberal for a while and as I learned more about politics and saw who was more corrupt and thieving and who was more rational and who tended lie somewhat less I became conservative. I'm not anti-abortion and I don't worship anything, I'm basically an atheist. I support protecting the environment when it is PRACTICAL and not because some junk scientist or whackball tells me to. I think people should be given a hand up and not a hand out. I donate my time and money to others every day, but I don't like being forced to give money to anyone for any reason, let alone to thousands of causes I don't support. I'm more conservative than liberal, but I am not really a conservative. I am somewgat libertarian, but there is still no true definition of what a libertarian is or isn't aside from what someone decides on some website so anyone can be one if they say they are. As I have grown older and spent more of each day paying attention to politics, my distaste for liberals has also grown. In the past six years the liberals have become incredibly militant and underhanded when they don't get their way. Nothing is beneath a liberal these days. It is far more important to get their psychobot elected than anything else and that includes national security. The actions of many of the liberal poster children have become so incredibly traitorous in the past couple of years. The misinformation the liberals sling with straight faces gets reprinted and plastered on the television by the elite media and far too many people still believe what they see in print and one the tube, but less of them do every year. Liberals keep trying to indoctrinate the K-12 and college students, but their ranks grow thinner every year as the American people continue to form their own opinions rather than be told what to think. most people don't like being lied to and when they find out that something is a lie they don't trust the source anymore. John Kerry is the perfect example, he lost because he's a chronic liar. The liberals have a lot of answers for accusations against them, but 99% of those answers involve finger pointing at the other side, not at addressing the accusations against them. I don't support conservatives because I like them, I support them because the liberals are always so much worse. I'm not pro-conservative, I'm anti-lilberal. Liberals push for the redistribution of wealth and the Nanny State. Liberals are also far more fascist than conservatives. Liberals support politicians who think the government should micromanage and control everything. Liberals want to force you to financially support their causes whether you want to or not. Liberals want to force you to give preference to their pet groups so those pet groups will shower them with votes. The liberal democrats don't think people are capable of making decisions for themselves and want to force you to do things their way. liberals keep saying they are all about freedom, but they keep trying to legislate less freedoms for you and they keep trying to undercut laws which are supposed to keep the islamic terrorists from blowing you up. Liberals aren't "pro-choice" they're pro-THEIR-choice, not ours. That's pretty much why I fight liberals now, it's just right thing to do.