Arthur C Coller
July 5, 1871 - March 7, 1939

Arthur C. Coller is Taken Suddenly
Arthur C Coller, 68, father of Prosecutor Floyd A Coller, died at ?:25 this morning at General Hospital of pneumonia which folled an attack of influenza. He had been taken to the hospital last night. Mr Coller had been ailing for more than a year and his weakened condition contributed to his sudden death after pneumonia set in.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 at Deck's Funeral Home with interment at Oak Grove Cemetery. The remians will be taken to the Coller home at 421 Clough Street, tomorrow morning where friends may view until the funeral.

Born July 5, 1871, Mr Coller had lived in Wood County all his life. He was married to Olive Van Buskirk of Bowling Green, and she proceeded him in death in 1925.

He was a quiet, sincere man who found infinite pleasure in his home. Despite his quiet nature, he was friendly and made many acquaintances during his long years in Bowling Green.

Most of his life he had spent as a farmer but during the past few years, he had been in retirement except for a truck garden he planted each year.

He is survived by three sons, Floyd A Coller; Maynard Coller, Columbus and Kenneth Coller, Perrysburg; one daughter, Mrs Yeulalah Lewis, Bowling Green; a brother Herbert Coller; Bowling Green, and two sisters, Mrs Josephine Thomas, Bowling Green, and Mrs. May Davis, of Toledo.