Tammy's Family Ties
HARVEY, Margaret
GREGORY, Dorothy "Dolly"
CRISWELL, George Washington


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CRISWELL, George Washington

  • Born: 28 May 1821
  • Died: 7 Apr 1891, at age 69

bullet  General Notes:

Born in Ohio
Buried in Indian Run Cemetery, Osnaburg Township, Stark County, Ohio, l isted as "G. W. Criswell".

He married Sarah Loehr on 3 May 1842 in Stark County, Ohio, married by John Dice, J.P. (Osnaburg Township).

He married Mary A. Masters on 27 Mar 1855 in Stark County, Ohio, marrie d by Michael Welker, J.P.

He was probably recorded in Dolly Criswell's household in the U.S. cens us of 1830 in Osnaburg Township, Stark County, Ohio, listed as one of th e 2 males, age 5-9.

He was probably recorded in Dolly Criswell's household in the U.S. cens us of 1840 in Osnaburg Township, Stark County, Ohio, listed as the male, age 15-19.

He was head of household in the U.S. census of 1850 in Osnaburg Townshi p, Stark County, Ohio, listed as "Washington Criswell," age 29, occupati on Farmer, $1200 real estate, born in O. Listed with him were Sarah and Wm. Criswell.

SARAH LOEHR was born circa 1822 in Pennsylvania. She was recorded in Ge orge Washington Criswell's household in the U.S. census of 1850 in Osnab urg Township, Stark County, Ohio, listed as "Sarah," age 28, born in Pa.

MARY A. MASTERS was born in Feb 1823. She died in Feb 1900. She was bur ied in Indian Run Cemetery, Osnaburg Township, Stark County, Ohio, liste d as "M. A. Criswell".


Early Marriages of Stark County, Ohio, 2: 29 -- Washington Criswell & S arah Cochr/Loehr, citing Marriage Book B: 167.

Ibid., 2: 44 -- Washington Griswell & Mary Masters, citing Marriage Boo k C: 163.


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