Tammy's Family Ties
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LEWIS, George (Lewes)
FORMAN, Dennis (Denise)
EWER, Mary
LEWES, George
JENKINS, Sarah Mary
LEWES, Mary (Bryant)


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LEWES, Mary (Bryant)

  • Born: 16 Nov 1623
  • Died: 2 Jul 1655, at age 31

bullet  General Notes:

Married John Bryant 14 NOV 1643 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA

John Bryant was first at Barnstable but soon settled in Scituate where he was Deacon in the church, sergeant in the military company, deputy to Plymouth Colony Court in 1657,77 and 78, and also selectman the latter two years. By occupation he was a housewright. His farm was on the seco nd Herring brook, ten rods east of the mill, and ancient orchard now [18 31] marks the place." On one Sunday morning, John Bryant entered the mee tinghouse late. The Reverend William Witherle, after prayers, addressed him before the congregation saying: 'Neighbor Bryant, it is to your repr oach that you have disturbed the worship by entering late, living as you do, within a mile of this place and especially so, while here is Goody Barstow, who has milked seven cows, made a cheese, and walked five miles to the House of God in good season.'6

John was presented at court 2 Mar 1642 for 'drinking tobacco upon the h ighway.' He was a member of Scituate's Military Company in 1643, and adm itted a freeman 15 Jan 1645. He served as a deputy to the general Court in 1657, 1677, and 1678; as a surveyer of highways in 1673, and was deac on of the Second Church of Scituate in 1669.

John of Scituate took an oath of fidelity on 15 Jan 1645 [Plym. Col. Re c., 8:183]. He was propounded a freeman on 7 June 1653 and admitted on J une 6, 1654 [Plym. Col. Rec., 3:31, 3:48]. He served as a deputy to the general Court in 1657, 1677 and 1678 [Plym. Col. Rec., 3:115, 5:231, 5:2 56]. He served as a surveyor of highways for Scituate in 1673 [Plym. Col . Rec., 5:115], as selectman in 1677 and 1678 [Plym. Col. Rec., 5:230, 5 :257]. He was a deacon of Scituate's Second Church in 1669.

For more information on John Bryant, see NEHGR 48 (1894) 46-53, and als o Selim Walker McArthur's McArthur-Barnes Ancestral Lines (Portland, Mai ne, 1964), p. 123.

Their Children:
John Bryant b. 17 Aug 1644 in Scituate, Plymouth co., MA
Joseph Bryant b. 1645 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA
Hannah Bryant b. 25 Jan 1645/46 in Scituate, Plymouth co., MA
Mary Bryant b. 24 Feb 1648/49 in Scituate, MA
Sarah Mary Bryant b. 24 Feb 1648/49 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA
Martha Bryant b. 26 Feb 1651/52 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA
Samuel Bryant b. 6 Feb 1653/54 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA


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