Tammy's Family Ties
BEALL, Casandra (Bell)


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TAYLOR, William

BEALL, Casandra (Bell)

  • Born: 1801
  • Marriage: TAYLOR, William
  • Died: 30 May 1865, at age 64

bullet  General Notes:

Born in Pennsylvania
Death in Hancock County, Ohio

Listed on the 1850 and 1860 Federal Censuses as a "Farm Manager". Livin g in Washington Township, Hancock County. On the 1850 Census seven of he r children are living with her. Mark, Mary, George, Jane, Margaret, Sara h and Robert.

On the 1860 Census her son Robert is living with her also with a woman named Mary who is listed as a servant and a young child named Samuel, 1 year old.

On th same Census page William her son is living on one side of her wit h his family and George another son is living on the other side of her w ith his family.


Casandra married William TAYLOR, son of William TAYLOR and Unknown. (William TAYLOR died in 1840.)

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