Tammy's Family Ties
TAYLOR, William
TAYLOR, William
BEALL, Casandra (Bell)
TAYLOR, Robert W.


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TAYLOR, Robert W.

  • Born: 2 Apr 1839
  • Died: 12 Apr 1893, at age 54

bullet  General Notes:

He married, December 5, 1865, Miss Mary Moore, daughter of John Moore, a farmer of Hancock County.

Robert Taylor has always given his attention to agricultural pursuits a nd has at present a farm of 270 acres of land.

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have four children: Hillery, Agnes, Howard and Rush .

JOHN MOORE, farmer, P. O. Findlay, was horn near Lancaster, Penn., Octo ber 16, 1808, son of Hugh and Susan (Buckwalter) Moore, the former a nat ive of County Tyrone, Ireland, and the latter of Pennsylvania. Hugh Moor e came to America about the year 1800, and settled in Pennsylvania; of h is ten children four are now living: John, William, Nancy (wife of Willi am Nelson), and Amanda (wife of William Cole). John Moore came to Ohio w ith his parents in 1828 and settled in Richland (now Ashland) County. He was married, in 1833, to Agues W. Roller, daughter of William Roller, a descendant of Capt. Weston, an old English navigator and explorer. To M r. and Mrs. Moore were born eleven children, of whom ten are now living: Nancy, wife of A. J. Moore; Susannah; Mary, wife of R. Taylor; Ross W. ; William died in infancy; Robert Bruce; Thomas Dorr; John Duff; Amanda, wife of C. Dressier; Lucinda, wife of H. Lackey, and Emma, wife of J. W . Bear; all reside in this county. Mr. Moore came to this county in 1833 with his wife's father, who entered eight quarter-sections of land in B ig Lick Township, Mr. Moore getting one-quarter section as his part of i t. This land was entered by Mr. Roller, the father-in-law. A large part of this land is now held by his heirs, he having divided his lands among his children. His original farm is on Section 15, Big Lick Township, wh ere A. J. Moore now resides. John Moore purchased the farm on which he n ow resides in 1866. He has filled the offices of township trustee, clerk , fence viewer, and other places of trust, and is a valuable citizen. He has been successful in life and is now enjoying the fruits of his forme r years of hard labor, tenderly caring for the declining years of his wi fe, who has been an invalid for some years. Mr. Moore has not attached h imself to any church, but believes in the Universal doctrine. In politic s he is a Democrat and voted for Andrew Jackson.



bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Farmer.


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